literature and feminism, feminist criticism, western literatureAbstract
Feminist literary criticism arose thirty years ago, and became widespread in Western Europe and the United States. Today, there is practically no large American university where there would be no courses on female / feminist literature and criticism, as well as gender aspects of literary work. In this study the general concept of criticism over literature by feminism outlined.
Elizabeth Grosz, 1995. Space, Time, and Perversion. Essays on the Politics of Bodies (New York and London: Routledge), pp. 9-24.
Elaine Showalter, 1985. «Towards a Feminist Poetics», in Elaine Showalter, ed.. The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory (New York: Pantheon Books), pp. 125-143.
Elaine Showalter, 1985. «Towards a Feminist Poetics», pp. 137-139.
Ellen Moers, 1978. Literaiy Women (London: The Women's Press).
Elaine Showalter, 1977. A Literature of Their Own. The British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press).
Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, 1979. The Madwoman in the Attic The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination (New Haven and London: Yale University Press).
Toril Moi, 1985. Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory (London and New York: Routledge), p. 78.
Judith Fetterley, 1978. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction (Bloomington: Indiana University Press), p. viii.
Sandra M. Gilbert, 1985. «What Do Feminist Critics Want? A Postcard from the Volcano», in Elaine Showalter, ed., The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory (New York: Pantheon Books), pp. 29-45.
Mary Jacobus, 1986. Reading Woman: Essays in Feminist Criticism (New York: Columbia University Press).
Annette Kolodny, 1985. «A Map for Rereading: Gender and the Interpretation of Literary Texts», in Elaine Showalter, ed., The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women. Literature and Theory (New York: Pantheon Books), pp. 46-62.
Adrienne Rich, 1979. When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision in: On Lies. Secrets, and Silence. Selected Prose 1966-1978 (New York and London: W.W. Norton and Co.), p. 24.
Helene Cixous, 1976. «The Laugh of the Medusa», Signs 1 (summer), pp. 875-899.
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