Legal Analysis of Sexual Harassment of Women in Afghanistan
Sexual Harassment of Women, Violence Against Women, Women’s Human RightsAbstract
This study legally analyzed the reasons behind sexual harassment of women in Afghanistan and its day-by-day increase in academic, educational and public places, As well as responded to the question, “how can Afghanistan prevent sexual harassment of women within a reformed legal framework by drawing viable solutions from the international framework?”
This study analyzed Important legal issues and inadequacies of Afghanistan's legal framework, like legal provisions, the judiciary system of Afghanistan, informal justice, mediation, women’s access to justice, and sentencing regarding sexual harassment of women in Afghanistan, and compared them to the international legal framework.
The descriptive and analytical methods are used in this research by describing the national and international legal texts and laws considered and presenting their legal provisions. Data sources are both primary and secondary. Primary sources include national and international legal texts, law provisions, court decisions and cases. Secondary sources include books, journal articles, websites, newspaper clippings, and various reports. The citation style in the footnotes and bibliography is OSCOLA referencing style.
As a result and outcome of this study, I found out that there are critical legal problems in Afghanistan’s legal framework from different aspects that cause an increase in the overall situation of Women's Human rights violations as well as the sexual harassment of women in Afghanistan and Finally after the compare of the national legal framework with the international framework, Important recommendations and remedies were drawn out from the International legal framework to have a better and reformed National framework for Afghanistan, especially in regard of respect, protection and fulfilment of women’s rights.
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