The Impact of Marriages In The Process of Social Acceptance and Adaptation of Syrian Female Asylum Seekers (Siirt City)
Siirt, Female Asylum Seeker, Integration, Migration, Feminist GeographyAbstract
The main objective of the study is to examine the effect of marriages made between local people and female refugees in the context of the integration and acceptance process of women asylum seekers who migrate to Syria from Syria and who have the status of temporary protection. In this context, various NGOs and relevant institutions in the city and working on asylum seekers were interviewed and families were reached after obtaining the necessary data. The study is an ethnographic field study and semi -structured interviews with families were conducted. Siirt, which is the subject of the research, is located in the Tigris Department of the Southeastern Anatolia Region.
It can be defined as migration, individuals, societies, political, natural, social, ethnic and religious reasons for migration or voluntary relief or spatial mobility processes. Migration is a case of economic and cultural interaction beyond a single-sided spatial change process, in social status changes and results in socio-spatial tissue in socio-spatial tissue. The attendance of women has thrown in recent years. Nowadays, women's migration is one of the topics of the feminist geography that became a sub-branch of the geography. The increasing food problem and problem areas are more adversely affecting women and children causes women to migrate to safer locations.
Nowadays, the various problems that migration and migration brought in, especially as the Arab Spring, as a result of the immigration waves, which has been erupted in Syria since 2011, which has been erupted in Syria since 2011, is also spread in Turkey's completely in the city of Turkey. The city of Siirt is one of the cities of Syrian refugees. The city has a multilingual cultural structure and especially the Arabic is spoken to the sheltered factor in the preferring of asylum seekers.
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