Spiritual Approach and Midwifery Practices in Women's Health
Midwifery, Spirituality, Spiritual CareAbstract
Spirituality; it is an effort to turn one's inner world and shape one's life with the foresight gained by directing, to solve and accept the meaning of life. Spirituality is an important human dimension that affects health status such as strengthening physical and mental health, perceiving and accepting health and illness, reducing pain, complying with treatment, and looking to the future with hope. Spiritual care; it is defined as determining the spiritual needs of the person by health professionals and providing care in this direction. The midwife's planning for care in line with the spiritual beliefs determined in the individuals they care for and offering interpersonal, altruistic and integrative practices constitute spiritual care in midwifery. In order to provide and provide spiritual care, midwives must have the appropriate education and skills for care. Based on the holistic care philosophy, which states that midwives are ethically responsible for supporting the spiritual aspect of care as well as bio-physical, the aim of this article is; the concepts of spiritual and spiritual care, spirituality in health, spiritual care models, spiritual care application stages, factors affecting spiritual care, midwifery and spiritual care approach will be discussed and midwives will be sensitized about the subject.
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