Pharmacological, Nonpharmacological and Psychological Therapy Approaches in Management of Perinatal Depression


  • Nurten ÖZÇALKAP



Non-pharmacological Method, Pharmacological Method, Perinatal Depression, Psychological Treatment, Psychotherapy


Perinatal depression is a common mood disorder that greatly affects the mother and baby, and refers to major and minor maternal depression that occurs during pregnancy and/or during the first year after birth. There are empirically validated psychological treatments for perinatal depression. Interpersonal psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapies, which are reported to be effective for women in the perinatal period between mild and severe depression, are known as psychological treatment approaches. Although pharmacological interventions are an effective treatment for depression, mothers often turn to non-pharmacological interventions by avoiding antidepressant medication due to concerns about breastfeeding or other potential side effects. Considering the possible effects and harms of perinatal depression, early detection of symptoms, risk assessment, creation of an individualized care plan, and initiation of the right treatment in the early period are important. The aim of this study is to compile pharmacological, nonpharmacological and psychological treatment approaches in the management of perinatal depression in the light of the literatüre.


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How to Cite

KARAKAYALI AY , Çiğdem, & ÖZÇALKAP , N. . (2022). Pharmacological, Nonpharmacological and Psychological Therapy Approaches in Management of Perinatal Depression. JOURNAL OF WORLD WOMEN STUDIES, 7(1), 16–28.




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