Determination of the Relationship between Nurses' Anxiety of Getting Caught Coronavirus and Their Healthy Nutrition Attitudes during the Pandemic Process
Anxiety, Covid-19, Healthy Eating , Attitude, NurseAbstract
This study was conducted as a cross-sectional and descriptive study in order to determine nurses' attitudes towards healthy eating and their concerns about catching coronavirus and the relationship between them in the pandemic. The research was carried out with 203 nurses working in a training and research hospital located in the west of our country. The data were collected between June-July 2021 with a questionnaire consisting of nurses' personal characteristics, Attitudes towards Healthy Eating Scale, and New Types of Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. The mean age of the nurses was 33, 61.6% were female, 56.73% were married, 51.7% had a bachelor's degree, 56.2% were normal weight, 52.7% were childless, 37.4% used alcohol, 46.3% smoked. It was determined that 30% of them had chronic diseases. 55.7% of the nurses work in the clinic, 88.2% as clinical nurses, and the average working year is 10.93. A statistically significant difference was found between the age, gender, number of children, alcohol and smoking status of the nurses and the total mean scores of the Attitudes towards Healthy Eating Scale (p<0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between nurses with thalassemia and the total mean scores of the Nurses Anxiety of Conceiving New Type Coronavirus (p< 0.05). A positive and statistically significant relationship was found between the total score averages of the Nurses' Attitudes towards Healthy Eating Scale and the Nurses' Anxiety of Conceiving New Type Coronavirus (p<0.01, p<0.05). It can be said that nurses' healthy eating attitudes and anxiety about catching coronavirus are high.
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