Students’ Perceptions towards the Effective Use of Web-Based Learning Platform (WBLP) on Their Learning Outcomes


  • Bengi SONYEL Asst.Prof.Dr.
  • Parisa GHANOUNI



Educational System, E-Learning Applications, Multimedia Technologies, Research, Teaching Tool


Nowadays, computers are the potential deliverers of the educational system, since they can be used for personalizing learning, to design learning according to the learners’ knowledge and needs. Educators’ attention has overtime been attracted by the development of the internet and internet-based computerized learning (i.e., e-learning). Academic studies in this area have shown that the process of obtaining web technology for the purpose of learning and teaching is quickly becoming an important tool in these fields.  In accordance with the latest requirements, many institutions and individuals prefer to provide education/training via the Internet and that has sparked a remarkable rate of increase in web-based education institutions. And therefore, there has been a rise in the usage of personal/informal as well as institutional/formal web-based learning platforms. Therefore, the web, with its wide range of functions, has become such a highly invaluable source and the tool to acquire learning, research development that in all honesty without its learning process. Owing to this, the major purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions of Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) students, through a web-based learning platform. This research is a case study and as a methodology mixed approach is used (both quantitative and qualitative).  The findings revealed that Web-based learning potentially has many advantages, however lack of experience, computer literacy and infrastructure problems, while using such a system could build a barrier in the way students learn.


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How to Cite

SONYEL , B. ., & GHANOUNI , P. . (2023). Students’ Perceptions towards the Effective Use of Web-Based Learning Platform (WBLP) on Their Learning Outcomes. JOURNAL OF WORLD WOMEN STUDIES, 8(2), 355–364.


