A Research on Violence to Women in the Context of Urban Life and the Architectural Environment: The Case of Adana


  • Gökhan UŞMA




Urban Life, Urbanization, Women, Violence


This study aims to examine in which urban conditions and architectural environments women victims of violence live and what types of violence they are exposed to and to reveal their reasons. In this context, a survey was conducted on 100 women who came to the Bureau of Combating Domestic Violence and Against Women in Adana and complained about the violence they experienced. A questionnaire was applied to the women who used these offices in almost every district of Adana and different urban living conditions were revealed. As a result, although women were in different living conditions, they were exposed to various situations when taken out. The vast majority of women who are exposed to violence want to change the environment they live in. Therefore, the necessity of increasing urban life opportunities and improving the architectural environment has been achieved through studies such as urban transformation. In addition, although violence against women has been tried to be prevented with the Istanbul Convention and the Law No. 6284, which have been the subject of debate in Turkey in recent years, it has been concluded that the trust of women who are victims of violence in the judicial authorities and security forces is very low. Therefore, in order to prevent violence, administrative bodies should be increased and organizations that employ them for this purpose should be supported.


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How to Cite

DİKENCİK, Şenol, & UŞMA , G. . (2023). A Research on Violence to Women in the Context of Urban Life and the Architectural Environment: The Case of Adana. JOURNAL OF WORLD WOMEN STUDIES, 8(1), 34–48. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8154316


