Employees Who Use the Headscarf in the Context of Perceived Discrimination and Cognitive Flexibility: An Evaluation from the Perspective of University Students Who Are Candidates to Become Executives






Perceived Discrimination, Discrimination, Cognitive Flexibility, Women in Headscarves, Quantitative Study


It is known that discrimination, whose name and content has changed, has emerged in different dimensions and appearances in every period of history, and measures are taken against discrimination. Discrimination takes place as an action and emerges as a product of thought. This thought creates the perception that people who are marginalized or feel marginalized are discriminated against. The perception of believing that they are treated unfairly or negatively due to their characteristics and the groups they belong to causes the emergence of a difficult or difficult life to cope with. At this point, coping with difficult situations in one's life, creating alternatives, solving problems by defining different options, and thinking agile by raising awareness with one's behaviors represent a process related to cognitive flexibility. In the emergence of the study, curiosity about the perspectives of people who will take a decision-making position in the working life of the future to the turban phenomenon, which is associated with negative and positive discrimination, as well as concepts such as judgment and perception, was effective. The aim of the study is to evaluate the individual and collective discrimination experienced or likely to be experienced against employees who wear and do not wear turbans from the point of view of the students who will take part in the selection and placement processes as future manager candidates, as well as to measure the relationship of perceived discrimination with cognitive flexibility. In the emergence of the study, the curiosity about the perspectives of the people who will take part in the decision-making position in the working life of the future on the phenomenon of turban, which is associated with concepts such as negative and positive discrimination, judgment and perception. The aim of the study is to evaluate the individual and collective discrimination experienced or likely to be experienced against employees who use headscarves and those who do not, from the perspective of students who will take part in the selection and placement processes as future manager candidates, as well as measuring the relationship between perceived discrimination and cognitive flexibility. The sample of the study consists of 245 female and 80 male students. The hypothesis of the study was formed as H1: "There is a significant relationship between perceived discrimination against people with and without headscarves and cognitive flexibility", but the hypothesis was rejected as a result of the correlation analysis. In addition to questions about perceived discrimination and cognitive flexibility scales, in the questionnaire applied to the students, questions were also asked about the age, gender, department, class they studied, the city they lived in for the longest time, the use of a headscarf in the family and the presence of a headscarf among close friends. Significant findings between demographic variables and sub-dimensions were determined and evaluated and interprete


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How to Cite

ANUK, Özlem, & ÇETİN , C. . (2023). Employees Who Use the Headscarf in the Context of Perceived Discrimination and Cognitive Flexibility: An Evaluation from the Perspective of University Students Who Are Candidates to Become Executives. JOURNAL OF WORLD WOMEN STUDIES, 8(2), 248–264. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8431034


