Determining The Relationship Between Levels of Hopelessness and Perceived Social Support of Women who Experienced The Türkiye Earthquake Disaster
Disasters, Earthquake, Hopelessness, Social Support, TürkiyeAbstract
Aim: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between levels of hopelessness and the social support status of women living in 11 provinces declared as earthquake zones in Türkiye.
Method: This descriptive and correlational research design study was conducted with 384 women. The data were collected using the "Questionnaire on sociodemographic and some other characteristics", "Beck Hopelessness Scale", and "Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale".
Results: The result of the correlation analysis showed that there was a statistically significant low-level negative relationship between the Beck Hopelessness Scale scores and Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale scores of the participants (r=-0.255). The perceived social support is found to affect the hopes of women who experienced the earthquake.
Conclusion: It is advisable to initiate, sustain, and expand research concerning the establishment of centers that can provide women with professional social support in a coordinated and rapid manner during natural disasters.
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