Reporting of Violence against Women in Mainstream Media and Its Subsequent Effect in Formulating Public Opinion for Tougher Punishments (Case Study- Hyderabad Rape Case 2019)


  • Himani BINJOLA
  • Diksha BISHT
  • Keshav Patel Kailindi Collage, University of Delhi, india


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Media Coverage- Public Opinion- Social Awareness- Violence Against Women


Media in contemporary world is de facto source of news regarding crime taking place in society, its nature, severity and most importantly its perpetrators. Reporters and anchors communicate to public every minute detail of the crime generating not only public interest but also sympathy for victim and detest for criminal. It’s been observed that crimes of heinous nature are generally more highlighted by media and one taking part regularly. Also reports have shown that mostly rape or other sort of violence against women (VAW) is viewed as result of incompetence of government, police and that of justice system rather than of conditions in society as a whole . There are trenchant talk of harder punishments and vindictiveness but rarely of criminal reforms or societal reforms. In this scenario public isn’t left with much choice but to perceive criminal as threat to society and in want of tougher punishment for them. In the given study we have taken variable such as economic status, education level, gender, exposure to both new and conventional media etc. to decode public support for tougher punishments in violence against women and its dependence on coverage of the event by media (new and conventional). One of the objectives of the study is also to study is there’s difference in perception of crimes and punishment among audiences of new and conventional media?

Yazar Biyografileri




Diksha BISHT




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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

BINJOLA , H. ., BISHT , D. ., & Patel, K. (2025). Reporting of Violence against Women in Mainstream Media and Its Subsequent Effect in Formulating Public Opinion for Tougher Punishments (Case Study- Hyderabad Rape Case 2019). DÜNYA KADIN ÇALIŞMALARI DERGİSİ, 9(1), 20–39.


