An Analysis of The Most Cited Articles on “Women Managers” in Business and Management Journals within The Scope of Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI): A Qualitative Study
Descriptive Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis, Female Manager, ManagerAbstract
This study aims to analyze the most cited scientific publications on the theme of “women managers” in business and management journals within the scope of the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) in the Web of Science (WoS) database. For this purpose, the search criteria “topic”, “article”, “article”, “Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)”, and “management or business” were determined in the database and a search was conducted with the keywords “women executives”, “female executives”, “female managers”, “women managers”, which are the English translations of the concept of “women managers”. As a result of the search, the first 25 most cited articles out of 477 articles that met these criteria were analyzed according to the year of publication, the journal in which they were published, the number of citations, the impact factor of the journal, the type of research used, the purpose, outcome and sample group information, and the most effective author collaborations and keywords. According to the findings obtained as a result of the analysis, it was determined that most studies were written in 1994 and 2016, and the studies were mostly published in the “Journal of Applied Psychology” and “Academy of Management Journal” journals originating from the United States of America, the journal with the highest impact factor was Academy Of Management Annals (22.2), quantitative research methods were mostly preferred, the highest number of citations belonged to Heilman and Okimoto (2007) with 547, and general information about the purpose, sample and results of the studies was given. However, it was concluded that “gender”, “leadership”, “glass cliff” and “women” were the most frequently used common keywords, the author who conducted the most collaborative studies was “S. Alexander Haslam”, and the most influential countries were “UK”, “Austria” and “USA”. Based on the findings, of this study, which aims to create a framework for the development of the “female manager” phenomenon in the business and management literature, a general profile of the most cited scientific publications on the subject was created and suggestions were given to the relevant researchers for future research.
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