Exercise Beliefs and Physical Activity Level in Young Adult Women
Women, Physical Activity Level, Exercise BeliefsAbstract
Objective: It is reported that 60% of the adult population and two-thirds of the young population do not do enough physical activity in the world, and physical inactivity is higher in women. The aim of this study was to investigate the beliefs and physical activity levels of young adult women towards exercise.
Methods: A total of 202 volunteer women aged 18-30 were included in the study. The exercise habits of the women were questioned and the type, frequency and duration of the exercise were recorded. Exercise Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ) was used to determine beliefs about exercise and Physical Activity Index (PAI) was used to determine physical activity levels.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 20.98±2.07 years. It was determined that 123 (60.9%) of the women evaluated did not have exercise habits and 79 (39.1%) people had exercise habits. The mean score of the EBQ benefits sub-dimension of those who did not exercise was 61.68±13.31 and disadvantages sub-dimension was 35.56±9.51. The mean score of the EBQ benefits sub-dimension of those with exercise habit was 64.00±16.96 and disadvantages sub-dimension was 24.46±9.59. While there was no difference between the participants with and without exercise habits in terms of their beliefs about the benefits of exercise (p=0.306), it was observed that the participants who did not exercise had a negative attitude towards exercise (p=0.001). According to the PAI, the mean score of those who did not exercise was 24.24±18.79, and the mean score of those who had exercise habits was 56.38±27.23. Physical activity levels of those who had exercise habits were significantly higher (p=0.001).
Conclusion: In order to increase participation in regular physical activity in individuals, it is important to first be informed about the positive effects of exercise on body systems.
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